Acceptable Use Policy

Please find below our acceptable use policy. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this policy, please do not hesitate to contact us.

This Acceptable Use Policy applies to all persons and entities (collectively, "clients") using the products and services of Bells & Whistles Communications, Inc. ("BWC"), including Internet service. The policy is designed to protect the security, integrity, reliability, and privacy of both our network and the products and services we offer our clients. We reserve the right to modify this policy at any time, effective immediately upon posting of the modification on this website. Your use of our products and services constitutes your acceptance of the Acceptable Use Policy in effect at the time of your use. You are solely responsible for any and all acts and omissions that occur during or relating to your use of the service, and you agree not to engage in any unacceptable use of the service.

What Uses Are Not Allowed?

Unacceptable use includes, but is not limited to, any of the following:

Posting, transmission, re-transmission, or storing material on or through any of BWC's products or services, if in the sole judgment of BWC such posting, transmission, re-transmission or storage is: (a) in violation of any local, provincial, federal, or non-Canadian law or regulation (including rights protected by copyright, trade secret, patent or other intellectual property or similar laws or regulations); (b) threatening or abusive; (c) obscene; (d) indecent; or (e) defamatory. Each client shall be responsible for determining what laws or regulations are applicable to his or her use of the products and services;

Installation or distribution of "pirated" or other software products that are not appropriately licensed for use by client;

Resale of our products and services without our express prior written consent (unless you are an authorized wholesaler);

You are using our products and services to engage in deceptive marketing practices;

Actions that restrict or inhibit anyone - whether a client of BWC or otherwise - in his or her use or enjoyment of our products and services, or that generate excessive network traffic through the use of automated or manual routines that are not related to ordinary personal or business use of Internet services;

Introduction of malicious programs into our network or servers or other products and services of BWC (e.g., viruses, trojan horses and worms);

Causing or attempting to cause security breaches or disruptions of Internet communications. Examples of security breaches include but are not limited to accessing data of which you are not an intended recipient, or logging into a server or account that you are not expressly authorized to access. Examples of disruptions include but are not limited to port scans, flood pings, packet spoofing and forged routing information;

Executing any form of network monitoring that will intercept data not intended for the client;

Circumventing, or attempting to circumvent, user authentication or security of any host, network or account;

Interfering with or denying service to any user other than the client's host (e.g., denial of service attack);

Using any program, script, command, or sending messages of any kind, designed to interfere with, or to disable a user's terminal session;

Failing to comply with BWC's procedures relating to the activities of clients on BWC-owned facilities;

Sending unsolicited mail messages, including the sending of "junk mail" or other advertising material to individuals who did not specifically request such material, who were not previous customers of the client or with whom the client does not have an existing business relationship (e.g., E-mail "spam"); or distributing, advertising or promoting software or services that have the primary purpose of encouraging or facilitating unsolicited commercial E-mail or spam;

Harassment, whether through language, frequency, or size of messages;

Unauthorized use or forging of mail header information;

Solicitations of mail or any other E-mail address other than that of the poster's account or service, with the intent to harass or collect replies;

Creating or forwarding "chain letters" or other "pyramid schemes" of any type;

Use of unsolicited E-mail originating from within the BWC network or networks of other Internet Service Providers on behalf of or to advertise any service hosted by BWC or connected via the BWC network;

Exporting, re-exporting, or permitting downloads of any content in violation of the export or import laws of the United States or Canada or without all required approvals, licenses and exemptions;

No failure or delay in exercising or enforcing this policy shall constitute a waiver of the policy or of any other right or remedy. If any provision of this policy is deemed legally unenforceable or becomes unenforceable due to a change in law, such provision shall be disregarded and the balance of the policy shall remain in effect.


We may immediately suspend and/or terminate a client's service for violation of any provision of this policy upon verbal or written notice, which notice may be provided by voicemail or E-mail. Prior to suspension or termination, we attempt to work with our clients to cure violations of this policy and ensure that there is no re-occurrence; however, we reserve the right to suspend or terminate based on a first offense.